Give A Mile Gala: Giving the Gift of Time (Nov 2019)

One of Give A Mile‘s frequent supporters is Pig and Duke in Calgary, and their owners Stephen and Jo had long wanted to organize a gala event to fundraise for Give a Mile.

On November 14, 2019 that dream became a reality when an amazing evening was hosted at Sub Rosa YYC.

It was so moving to hear Collette, whose daughter Kim had passed away from cancer three months previous, share the powerful impact of the flight awarded for Kim’s grandmother to fly and be with her. It moved all of us in a room full of generous spirits giving the gift of time.. when every second counts.

Give A Mile founder Kevin Crowe

This is just one event as part of the Give A Mile holiday giving campaign with aim of achieving the following goals by Christmas:

  • Commit 50 flight heroes
  • Collect 3 Million loyalty points
  • Raise $41,000 corporate and other donations
  • Connect 50 flights of compassion

The Give A Mile Gala event contributed $24,000 to our fundraising efforts!

Gifts of unused loyalty points (Aeroplan, Starwood, Marriott and Amex Rewards, etc.), and monetary or volunteer-time offerings are easily done through the Give A Mile website DONATE NOW page. These will help us make our target to raise funds and points for 20 flights of compassion during Mother’s/Father’s Day Campaigns 2019. Fully 100% of funds and points are applied to flights of compassion and related taxes/fees for specific flight stories, or in the general pool to be applied against any flight.

Support the Give A Mile 2019 Christmas Campaign. Help more loved ones share final farewell and create lasting memories through your generous giving. A 100% volunteer-driven organization, Give A Mile could not work without the help of others. We want to award 60 flights this Campaign, so please post a message about us on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook; we are grateful.