Our Impact
Giving your loved ones the give of one final goodbye is why we do what we do at Give A Mile. Time is precious and priceless; we are dedicated to providing families with the means to cherish one last smile, hug, and farewell when it matters most.
The impact of your donations is illustrated by loved ones in their flight stories below.

Debbie’s Flight Story
Flying from Kelowna, British Columbia to Montreal, QC
when Debbie reached out about her dying 97-year-old mother, her story deeply touched our volunteers and donors. Debbie wrote of hearing the news of her mother’s imminent passing, “If I could be there to tell her she is comforted and that I’ll love her forever, perhaps I will give her, in whatever way she can hear it, some comfort… She is a holocaust survivor and has suffered enough.”
Diane’s Flight Story
Flying from Calgary to Winnipeg
Diane said: “Seeing my Grandchildren would bring such joy to my life – this may be the last visit I can make. I cry so often and am sad that I can’t see them. I see them as often as I can over FaceTime but it’s time for a real hug”
Jescah's Flight Story
Flying from Atlanta, GA to Nairobi
Home is where the Heart is…Jescah had been fighting a relentless battle against cancer since 2020, enduring countless treatments and struggling with the physical and emotional toll it had taken on her. Jescah’s friend Maria reached out to Give A Mile on her behalf. She longed for the comforting presence of her beloved family back in Kenya and knew their care and support would make all the difference in her difficult journey.