Son Gets to Say Final Goodbye to Mom

Savannah, GA to Houston, TX – (58,700 United MileagePlus Miles and $11.20 USD)

No one is ever ready to say goodbye to their parents. Christopher’s mom was diagnosed with Stage 4 brain cancer, and Christopher was doing everything that he could to see her as often as he could. Unfortunately, after returning home after one visit, he received word that she took a turn for the worst. He thought he had more time, but unfortunately time was running out.

“She taught us to love everyone and above all, treat others how you want to be treated regardless of what they may have done. Most of all she taught us faith. I hope to be half the parent my mother was to us.”

Christopher reached out to Give a Mile to see if we could help him. Give a Mile was able to gift him a flight of compassion so he could be able to say goodbye to his mom.

“Just wanted to thank you. Because of you, I’m here with my  mom smiling. Thank you so much for everything!❤️❤️❤️❤️ You guys are awesome!!!!!!”

Can you help us reunite more families like Christopher and his mom? Please consider donating today.

This flight was provided by our amazing friends at Clearmotive!

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