Flight Story #1108
From San Diego, CA to Traverse City, MI – 47,300 United Miles
From San Diego, California, Savanna and her daughter Marlow prepare to board a flight to Michigan. With an 85-year-old mother battling cancer and the shadow of past losses hanging heavily over her family, Savanna’s story is not just about a flight but about love and family bridging the most impossible distances, speaking unspoken words, holding hands that have comforted and guided through the most challenging times.
Savanna, a mother to four young children, including a newborn, is grappling with the realities of life’s fragility. Financial constraints have tightened their grasp around her family, making the prospect of a flight to see her ailing mother seem like a distant dream. With the family reeling from recent losses, every day without seeing her mother is a day filled with regret and longing.
Savanna’s mother, who has recently been diagnosed with cancer and placed on hospice care, represents the strength and resilience that has defined Savanna’s life. Having been adopted as an infant, Savanna’s relationship with her mother is a testament to the power of chosen families. Her mother, who raised her and her sister single-handedly after their adopted father passed, is the cornerstone of her life, the beacon of hope and strength in a world that has often been unforgiving.
Savanna’s request to Give A Mile is to create final memories and allow her mother to meet her new granddaughter. It’s a call for help to make a journey that is measured not only in miles but also in moments of love, laughter, and tears shared.
This flight symbolizes more than just a physical journey from San Diego; it’s a flight of hope, love, and family. It’s about giving Savanna the chance to be there for her mother in her final days, to surround her with love, and to thank her for a lifetime of sacrifices. This reminder of the importance of family urges us all to come together to make this poignant reunion possible.
To our generous donors, this is an opportunity to light up the dark corners of a family’s life with the warmth of your kindness. Let’s help Savanna make this critical journey to ensure that distance does not add to the weight of grief, but rather, love bridges it all.
Thank you so much, I am so appreciative of everyone's time and generosity.