Together in the
Final Goodbye

The cost of a plane ticket should never be the reason someone dies alone

Belen and her sister reunited after 18 years with the help of Give A Mile.

Belen's Flight Story

Flying from Fort Lauderdale to Newark

Imagine living in different parts of the country than your cherished loved ones and not being able to afford a flight to see them for almost two decades. That was a reality for Belen and her sister. But when Belen learned her beloved sister had colon cancer and was in hospice, she immediately reached out to Give A Mile..

Roseanne’s Flight Story

Flying from Vancouver to Kamloops

This was a man who had always made Roseanne feel safe and they texted daily until he became too weak to engage with her. She wanted to see him one last time, so that they could feel each other’s presence and to bring them both peace.

Sarah’s Flight Story

Flying from Charleston, SC to Baltimore, MD

Sarah wrote: “My grandma has been so invested in me her whole life. When my mom(her daughter) died of cancer in 2017 she took me in and cared for me so I could finish high school. I just want to be there to talk to her one more time before she dies and allow her to hold my kids hands.”

Every donation helps people

reach their loved ones for
one last hug, smile, and farewell.



Flights Provided
Miles Donated
Countries Reached

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Be together in the final goodbye.

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